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Continuum® Contributors

Continuum® is an open-source desktop software that provides all of the tools necessary to conduct pre-construction wind resource assessments.  It includes a wind flow modeling component, a long-term correction module, site suitability analyses including shadow flicker estimates, and several others.  This suite of tools has been made possible by the contribution of several dedicated individuals and by One Energy Enterprises.  We have seen that, as more people use the software, provide feedback, and contribute their time, coding, and ideas, Continuum® continues to improve and to see expanded capabilities. 

We are committed to hosting a global community where students, researchers, and wind professionals can collaborate and share ideas on how to advance wind energy methodologies and see those ideas implemented into Continuum®.  We keep an active list of open projects which includes those that focus on coding (in C#) and others that are research-based.  Check the list of projects here.  

To request to become a contributor, we ask that you review the list of projects and select a few that seem interesting.  Then, send us a note through the contact form below and we will set up a meeting to get your project kicked off.  As a contributor with an open project, you will be expected to attend Continuum® Town Halls and provide brief updates of your progress as well as provide us a monthly email update. 



Have a suggestion of how to improve the Continuum® wind energy software but do not currently have the time to be a full Contributor? Have another idea for a research project using Continuum® but cannot take on any more research projects? Submit a form response below with your ideas/suggestions and we will consider adding them to the list of open projects for others in the community to choose from.

Submit Continuum® Development Suggestions or R&D Project Ideas or Apply to be Contributor


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