A new release of Continuum (1.12) is now available! Contact us for a free trial license (liz@cancalia.com).
There are several new features available in this new release including turbine directional wind speed display/export, Weibull parameter estimates and directional wind speed mapping.
First, on the “Turbine Estimates” tab, you’ll see that you can now view the turbine estimates on a directional or an overall basis. By changing the dropdown box labeled “WD sector”, you can change the view to display the estimated wind speeds in the specified wind direction sector or choose to view the overall WS estimates as highlighted below.
Also, on the “Turbine Estimates” tab, you can now export the directional wind speed estimates, directional Weibull parameters and directional wind speed distributions at each turbine site. To export the directional wind speed and Weibull parameters, click the button “Export Directional WS & Weibull” and to export the directional WS distributions, click “Export Directional WS Dists” as highlighted below.
Finally, on the “Maps” tab, you can now view and export directional wind speed maps. The wind direction to display and to export is chosen from the dropdown menu labeled “Wind Direction sector to display” where “Overall” is the last in the list and this shows the overall wind speed map. Once you select the desired wind direction sector, click the button “Export Map as CSV” to export the directional wind speed map for that sector.
Happy modeling!!